So how would you do that? I was looking for a neat view that gives me this information. And browsing through all the 'ALL_%' views I stumbled on the nice view: all_stored_settings. It contains all kinds of parameters about the stored pl/sql objects.
The one I wanted to query on is the plsql_debug parameter. Mark that the parameter names are lower-case while the True/False values are Upper-case.
Besides Owner, Object_Name, Object_Type columns it also has the Object_id column. So to getall the packages with the debug option on simply join the view with the all_objects view:
select obj.* from all_objects obj , all_stored_settings ssg where ssg.object_id = obj.object_id and ssg.param_name = 'plsql_debug' and ssg.param_value = 'TRUE' and obj.object_type in ('PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY')
So to recompile all these packages I changed the script of yesterday:
declare cursor c_obj is select obj.* from all_objects obj , all_stored_settings ssg where ssg.object_id = obj.object_id and ssg.param_name = 'plsql_debug' and ssg.param_value = 'TRUE' and obj.object_type in ('PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY'); l_command varchar2(32767); procedure put_line(p_text in varchar2) is l_text varchar2(32767) := p_text; l_line varchar2(255); begin while length(l_text) > 0 loop l_line := substr(l_text, 1, 255); dbms_output.put_line(l_line); l_text := substr(l_text, 256); end loop; end put_line; begin for r_obj in c_obj loop begin l_command := 'alter package ' ||r_obj.object_name || ' compile'; if r_obj.object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY' then l_command := l_command || ' body'; end if; put_line('Executing: '||l_command); execute immediate l_command; put_line('Succesfully compiled '||lower(r_obj.object_type||' '||r_obj.object_name|| '.')); exception when others then put_line('Error compiling '||lower(r_obj.object_type||' '||r_obj.object_name)); end; end loop; end;
Of course this script can also easily be changed to add debug info for those packages that haven't yet...
Would this not be simplier?
schema =>user,
compile_all =>TRUE,
Hi Kris,
ReplyDeleteGood suggestion, thanks. I did not know this alter session option myself. So learning all the time. I think for most of the cases your suggestion is simpler.
However, I do not want to recompile all the objects in my schema. In this case it's about the apps-schema of E-Business Suite and it contains tons of packages.
So in those cases I think I should do it my way. Also I wanted to illustrate two things. One is that I used to see people generate a recompile-script using a query like mine and spooling that to a file. Then they run the file. I show that you can also do it in one go. Second I was very curious how to determine if a pl/sql object has debug info. And since I happened to find this view I wanted to share that.
But again thanks for your comment.