How to do so, you can find on the page following this link. You'll need the demo-community scripting that can be found following this link, and then download 'workflow-001-DemoCommunitySeedApp'.
However, besides adapting the file, there are a few changes to make in the build.xml.
First, find the property declaration for 'wls.home', and change it to:
<property name="wls.home" value="${bea.home}/wlserver"/>This is needed, since they renamed the folder for the weblogic server in the FMW12c home. Then, after the comment of 'End Default values for params', add the following
<!-- Import task def for antcontrib functions as if --> <property name="ant-contrib.jar" value="${bea.home}/oracle_common/modules/net.sf.antcontrib_1.1.0.0_1-0b3/lib/ant-contrib.jar"/> <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"> <classpath> <pathelement location="${ant-contrib.jar}"/> </classpath> </taskdef>This is because the script lacks a definition for the ant-contrib lib, needed amongst others for the 'if' activities. After this change, it worked for me.
many thanks to you for this post