Thursday 18 April 2019

Split your Vagrant provisioners

For a while now, I'm quite into Vagrant in combination with VirtualBox. A few years ago I started with trying to script FMW environments, and since my discovery, and resulting fancy, of Vagrant, I also created a project for creating and provisioning a SOA Suite box.

Until now, my project all had one shell-type provisioner looking like:
  config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
    export SCRIPT_HOME=/vagrant/scripts
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 0. Prepare Oracle Linux
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 1. Create Filesystem
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 2. Create Oracle User
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 3. Java SDK 8
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/fmw/'

This seems quite simple, but for my SOA Suite box, I had quite a lengthy provisioner, that somehow failed at running the RCU and therefor with the creation of the domain.  There is a synchronization thingy with the database. The database is up, but at the time it reaches the RCU creation, it isn't able to connect. When running it seperately it works like a charm.

So, don't know how to solve that, but I want to re-provision only the part of the RCU and domain creation. Last night I fiddled around with it. Following the Vagrant Up basic usage explanation, you can create multiple provisioners with different names and different types. You can then force the provisioning for certain provisioners by type or by name.

I played around with that, because I couldn't get the syntax right. Although the explanation is proper, I wanted to have it slightly different and did not got it at first. Finally, I got it working.

Let's look into it.

First I split up my shell script, and found that I can put those in a variable. I now have a init script, that adapts the Linux OS, creates a new filesystem and creates an oracle user :
  $initScript = <<-SCRIPT
    export SCRIPT_HOME=/vagrant/scripts
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 0. Prepare Oracle Linux
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 1. Create Filesystem
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 2. Create Oracle User

And one for installing the FMW software:
  $installFMWScript = <<-SCRIPT
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 3. Java SDK 8
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/fmw/'
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 4. Database 12c
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/database/'
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 5.1 SQLCL and SQLDeveloper
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/database/'
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 5.2 SQLDeveloper
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/database/'
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 6. Fusion Middleware
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/fmw/'
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 6.1 Fusion Middleware - SOA
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/fmw/'
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 6.2 Fusion Middleware - SB    
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/fmw/'
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 6.3 Fusion Middleware - OHS    
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/fmw/'
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 7. BPM Quickstart
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/fmw/'

And one for configuring FMW, that is running the RCU and creating the domain:
  $configFMWScript = <<-SCRIPT
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 8.1 Fusion Middleware - RCU SOA   
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/home/oracle/bin/'    
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/fmw/'
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 8.2 Fusion Middleware - Create Domain    
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/fmw/fmw1221_domain/'
    echo !!! TODO: Machine configuration update to use Plain - 5555
    echo !!! TODO: Modify domain creation and property naming to create machine in accordance to nodemanager config.
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 8.3 Fusion Middleware - Modify Nodemanager     
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/fmw/fmw1221_domain/'
    echo _______________________________________________________________________________
    echo 8.4 Fusion Middleware - Create Nodemanager service
    sudo runuser -l oracle -c '/vagrant/scripts/fmw/fmw1221_domain/'

Cool, so far, right?

Now, after that we need to define the 3 provisioners:

  config.vm.provision "init", type: "shell", inline: $initScript
  config.vm.provision "installFMW", type: "shell", inline: $installFMWScript
  config.vm.provision "configFMW", type: "shell", inline: $configFMWScript

These provisioners

  • init -> provisioning/config of Oracle Linux, creation of oracle user, etc. This will be about equal for every box.
  • installFMW -> installation of all FMW software.
  • configFMW -> run the RCU and create domein.
Having that in place, you can run a specific provisioner. For instance during up:
  • vagrant up --provision-with configureFMW
or when reloading the box:
  • vagrant reload --provision-with configureFMW
But the following also works:
  • vagrant provision --provision-with configureFMW
Another cool thing is that you also could set a run option on the provisioner.
  config.vm.provision "init", run: "once", type: "shell", inline: $initScript
  config.vm.provision "installFMW", type: "shell", run: "once", inline: $installFMWScript
  config.vm.provision "configFMW", type: "shell", run: "once", inline: $configFMWScript

The run option has the following possible values:
  • "once": this is actually the default, the provisioner is only executed at first up. Or if you force it to run as described above.
  • "always": the provisioner is executed at every up. This can be used for something you want to be done every time you do up. A good one would be to start the database.
  • "never": this one is interesting. This makes the provisioner optional. That means it won't be executed, unless you ask for it. A good one would be to drop the RCU and delete the domain. So that you can reprovision the repository and the domain.
Happy Vagrant Upping!

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