Thursday 22 November 2018

How to query your JMS over AQ Queues

At my current customer we use queues a lot. They're JMS queues, but in stead of Weblogic JMS, they're served by the Oracle database.

This is not new, in fact the Oracle database supports this since 8i through Advanced Queueing. Advanced Queueing is Oracle's Queueing implementation based on tables and views. That means you can query the queue table to get to the content of the queue. But you might know this already.

What I find few people know is that you shouldn't query the queue table directly but the accompanying AQ$ view instead. So, if your queue table is called MY_QUEUE_TAB, then you should query AQ$MY_QUEUE_TAB. So simply prefix the table name with  AQ$. Why? The AQ$ view is created automatically for you and joins the queue table with accompanying IOT tables to give you a proper and convenient representation of the state, subscriptions and other info of the messages. It is actually the supported wat of query the queue tables.

A JMS queue in AQ is implemented by creating them in queue tables based on the Oracle type$_jms_text_message type.

That is in fact a quite complex type definition that implements common JMS Text Message based queues. There are a few other types to support other JMS message types. But let's leave that.

Although the payload of the queue table is a complex type, you can get to its attributes in the query using the dot notation. But for that it is mandatory to have a table shortname and prefix the view columns with the table shortname.

The$_jms_text_message has a few main attributes, such as text_lob for the content and header for the JMS header attributes. The header is based on the type$_jms_header. You'll find the JMS type there. But also the properties attribute based on$_jms_userproparray. That in its turn  is a varray based on aq$_jms_userproperty. Now, that makes it a bit complex, because we would like to know the values of the JMS properties, right?

We use those queues using the JMS adapter of SOA Suite and that adds properties containing the composite instance ID, ECID, etcetera. And if I happen to have a message that isn't picked up, it would be nice to know which Composite Instance enqueued this message, wouldn't it?

Luckily, a Varray can be considered as a collection of Oracle types. And do you know you  can query those? Simply provide it to the table() function and Oracle threats it as a table. When you know which properties you may expect, and their types, you can select them in the select clause of your query.  I found the properties that are set by SOA Suite and added them to my query. But you could find others as well.

Putting all this knowledge together, I came up with the following  query:

select qtb.queue
, qtb.msg_id
, qtb.msg_state
,qtb.user_data.header.type type
,qtb.user_data.header.userid userid
,qtb.user_data.header.appid appid
,qtb.user_data.header.groupid groupid
,qtb.user_data.header.groupseq groupseq
--, properties
, (select str_value from table ( prp where = 'tracking_compositeInstanceId') tracking_compositeInstanceId
, (select str_value from table ( prp where = 'JMS_OracleDeliveryMode') JMS_OracleDeliveryMode
, (select str_value from table ( prp where = 'tracking_ecid') tracking_ecid
, (select num_value from table ( prp where = 'JMS_OracleTimestamp') JMS_OracleTimestamp
, (select str_value from table ( prp where = 'tracking_parentComponentInstanceId') tracking_prtCptInstanceId
, (select str_value from table ( prp where = 'tracking_conversationId') tracking_conversationId
,qtb.user_data.text_lob text
from AQ$MY_QUEUE_TAB qtb
where qtb.queue = 'MY_QUEUE'
order by enq_timestamp desc;

This delivered me an actual message that was not picked up by my process. And I could use  the property tracking_compositeInstanceId to find my soa composite instance in EM.

Very helpful if you are able to pause the consumption of your messages.

This also shows you how to query tables with complex nested tables.

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