Tuesday 30 June 2015

MTOM using SoapUI and OSB

MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) is incredibly hard... to find practical information about, on SoapUI and OSB. There are loads of articles. Like:
But I need to process documents that are send using MTOM to my service. And to be able to test it, I need to create a working example of a SoapUI project to do exactly that. Also about SoapUI and MTOM there are loads of examples, and it is quite simple really. But I had a more complex wsdl that I was able to use for Soap with Attachments (SwA) wich is also simple really. But how to connect those two in a simple working example? Well, actually, it turns out not so hard either... So bottom-line, MTOM with SoapUI and OSB is not so hard. If you know how, that is.

So let's work this out on a step-by-step basis.


I'll start with a simple XSD:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
  <xsd:element name="mtomRequest" type="MtomRequestType"/>
  <xsd:complexType name="MtomRequestType">
      <xsd:element name="document" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>
  <xsd:element name="mtomResponse" type="MtomResponseType"/>
  <xsd:complexType name="MtomResponseType">
      <xsd:element name="document" type="xsd:string"/>

In JDeveloper, this looks like:
The key is the 'xsd:base64Binary' type of the request document. In the response I have a string: in this example I'll base64-encode the attachment using a java-class. Just to show how to process the document. But in my project this is what I need to do.

The WSDL is just as easy, plain synchronous Request-Response:

<wsdl:definitions name="MTOMService" targetNamespace="http://oracle.com/sca/soapservice/ContentServer/MTOMService/MTOMService" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:inp1="http://www.darwin-it.nl/MTOM" xmlns:tns="http://oracle.com/sca/soapservice/ContentServer/MTOMService/MTOMService" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/">
        <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
            <xsd:import namespace="http://www.darwin-it.nl/MTOM" schemaLocation="../xsd/MTOMRequestResponse.xsd"/>
    <wsdl:message name="requestMessage">
        <wsdl:part name="part1" element="inp1:mtomRequest"/>
    <wsdl:message name="replyMessage">
        <wsdl:part name="part1" element="inp1:mtomResponse"/>
    <wsdl:portType name="execute_ptt">
        <wsdl:operation name="execute">
            <wsdl:input message="tns:requestMessage"/>
            <wsdl:output message="tns:replyMessage"/>
    <wsdl:binding name="execute_pttSOAP11Binding" type="tns:execute_ptt">
        <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
        <wsdl:operation name="execute">
            <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://oracle.com/sca/soapservice/ContentServer/MTOMService/MTOMService/execute"/>
                <soap:body use="literal" parts="part1"/>
                <soap:body use="literal" parts="part1"/>
    <wsdl:service name="execute_ptt">
        <wsdl:port name="execute_pttPort" binding="tns:execute_pttSOAP11Binding">
            <soap:address location="http://www.example.com"/>
Did you know that in JDeveloper it is really easy to create this WSDL? Just, create a SOA Project, drag and drop a Webservice on the exposed services lane, define a wsdl as synchronous, with a request and response message. Then open the wsdl in the wsdl editor and drag the operations to the binding pane and then the binding to the services pane:

The SoapUI Part

Now, create a new SoapUI project based on this WSDL. It turns out that SoapUI interprets this base64Binary field and creates special content:

This body refers to an attachment, that is not yet added:
Let's add an image to it, by opening the 'Attachments' tab and clicking on the plus-button: You can select the 'Part' to which the attachment is to be linked. Doing so will change the 'Type' into 'CONTENT'. Edit either the 'ContentID' or the id in the document-element (indicated by 'cid:') to match eachother.

At this point, you can create a mock-service on the request and set the host of the mockservice to 'localhost' and 'MTOMService' in the mock-service editor:
Then you can right-click on the Mock-server and select 'Add endpoint to interface'.

Running the Request, will send the following message to the Mock Service:
(Altough the title is 'Response 1', what you see here is the request received by the Mock Service).
Apparently SoapUI base64 encoded the attachment and embedded it into the document-element.

Now you can enable MTOM on the request. Select the Request and go to the properties pane:
When running the request again SoapUI won't base 64 encode the attachment but send it as a compressed MIME/Multipart-attachment, with a reference in the document:
In the http-log you'll find:
POST /MTOMService HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: multipart/related; type="application/xop+xml"; start="<rootpart@soapui.org>"; start-info="text/xml"; boundary="----=_Part_11_531670487.1435664879005"
SOAPAction: "http://oracle.com/sca/soapservice/ContentServer/MTOMService/MTOMService/execute"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Length: 39605
Host: localhost:8080
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)


Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="text/xml"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Content-ID: <rootpart@soapui.org>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:mtom="http://www.darwin-it.nl/MTOM">
         <mtom:document><inc:Include href="cid:915251933163" xmlns:inc="http://www.w3.org/2004/08/xop/include"/></mtom:document>


Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=SoapUIMTOMRequest.jpg

Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

Content-ID: <915251933163>

Content-Disposition: attachment; name="SoapUIMTOMRequest.jpg"; filename="SoapUIMTOMRequest.jpg"


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Where I removed all the new-line and timing codings, for readability. This is what actually goes 'over the line'.

The OSB Part

Now we're ready for the OSB part. Create a new OSB project and add the wsdl and xsd to it. If you created the wsdl, like I did, in JDeveloper, you can create the OSB project with the same name in the same folder as the JDeveloper project.

Create a new Proxy Service, and name it 'MTOMService' for instance. Base it on the MTOMService wsdl, created above.
I added a Pipeline, with stages and alerts to log the $attachments and $body variables. However, it turns out that since we're using MTOM via a base64Binary-element, the Attachments variable is empty. The body variable contains the message as seen in SoapUI.

Now, the most interesting part here is: 'How to get to the attachment-content?' Using 'Soap with Attachments' (SwA), the $attachments variable gives access to the binary content, with an expression like:
Where 'ctx:' is an internal namespace of OSB:

But since the $attachments is empty, this won't work. It is the base64Binary element that gives access to the content, in just the same way. So the expression is:

I added an assign with this as an expression to a seperate variable called 'documentBin'.

Then I added a Java Callout to my Base64-encoding method. For this I used the class described in my previous article. I jarred it and added the jar to my project. The input of this class is a 'byte[] bytes' and the output is a 'String' for wich I used the variable 'documentB64'. Then I added a replace with the following to pass back the response:
<mtom:mtomResponse xmlns:mtom="http://www.darwin-it.nl/MTOM">

Then, an important setting: enable MTOM: go to the Message Handling tab of the proxy service:
Check the box 'Enabled' of 'XOP/MTOM Support'. Leave radio-button to 'Include Binary Data by Reference'. Save the proxy service.

The proof in the eating

Now, publish it to a running OSB server and change the Endpoint URL within SoapUI to the OSB Service.
Running the SoapUI Request via OSB results in the following response:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
   <soapenv:Header xmlns:mtom="http://www.darwin-it.nl/MTOM"/>
   <soapenv:Body xmlns:mtom="http://www.darwin-it.nl/MTOM">

The Alert of the documentB64 variable shows:


I spent quite some time searching the internet-area on usable articles on SoapUI, OSB and MTOM. But in the end, writing this article cost me more time then implementing this. I hope this article can be rightfully categorized in my 'FMW made Simple'-series.


I made my projects downloadable via:

Monday 29 June 2015

Deployment plan of resource adapter missing

Today I was struggling with my OSB domain. Last week I switched laptops and did a new OSB installation on my new laptop and thought it was smart to just zip the OSB Domain from my old laptop to unzip it on my new laptop.

What I forgot was to copy the adapter plan.xml from the oracle home on my old laptop. So the resource adapter did not start correctly. It was even not editable, since it required the missing adapter plan. Searching the domain on files containing the name of the plan brought me to editing the config.xml of the domain.

For all the resource adapters you'll find entries like:
    <plan-dir xsi:nil="true"></plan-dir>
If you compare this to an entry that was not edited before, for instance, the AQ Adapter, you'll find that the other Adapter lacks the elements for  plan-dir and plan-path. So I deleted those and restarted my domain. When I edited the adapter again, it asked for the plan name again, as it would on editing it for the first time. Nice thing is that the default/demo entries were there again. So I only had to edit my own custom datasource and was on track again.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Base64 encoding/decoding in OSB

Of course there are several java examples to do a base64 encoding on the internet. And there are almost nearly as much encoding implementations in different environments. But which one works in Weblogic/OSB11g? And to implement those examples, compile and jar them, I find myself on a quest for the necessary jars. Of course you can refer to the weblogic.jar in your project of ant file. But that is a little too much, I think. I'd like to find and deliver the bare minimum of jars needed for my project.

For my latest customer/project I came up with this class:

package nl.darwin-it.osb.base64;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import weblogic.utils.encoders.BASE64Decoder;
import weblogic.utils.encoders.BASE64Encoder;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;

public class Base64EncoderDecoder
    private static final Charset UTF8_CHARSET;
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
    public static String encode(final byte[] bytes) {
        final BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
        final String encodedString = encoder.encodeBuffer(bytes);
        return encodedString;
    public static int getLength(final byte[] bytes) {
       int length = bytes.length;
        return length;
    public static byte[] decode(final String b64Document) throws IOException {
        final BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder();
        final InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(b64Document.getBytes(Base64EncoderDecoder.UTF8_CHARSET));
        final byte[] decodedBytes = decoder.decodeBuffer(inputStream);
        return decodedBytes;
    static {
        UTF8_CHARSET = Charset.forName("UTF-8");

And if you use JDeveloper11g as a IDE the only lib you need to compile this is: com.bea.core.utils.full_1.9.0.1.jar. Or com.bea.core.utils.full_1.10.0.0.jar, if using oepe version The jars can be found in ${oracle.home}/modules. Where ${oracle.home} refers to your JDeveloper11g or OEPE-Middleware installation.

By the way, in my OSB project I need to process Attachments in my message (Soap with Attachments), where I need to upload the documents to a ContentServer. Unfortunately the ContentServer needs the filesize (it apparenlty does not determine it by base64-decoding it). So I added the getLength() method to determine it with a java-callout similar to the base64-encode.

Input of the methods is a variable like 'attachmentBin' resulted from an Assing with an expression like:

Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Byte-Anniversary

I was looking into my blog-entries, and found that my former blog was number 254. So by entering this nonsense blog-entry, I reach the 255. Which makes it my 8-bit, or byte, anniversary:

And apparently my articles have been read as well... Nice thing is that I've reached this amount in nearly 8 years. So up to the next byte. Unfortunately in this case 2 bytes does not make up a Word...

Index variables in Replace/Insert/Delete: Bug or not a bug?

At my current customer I'm to process Attachments in Oracle Service Bus (11g).
I get a soap message, in which several documents are registered to be processed in a Content Server.
For each document the content is delivered as an soap/mime-attachment.

Because of some requirements I need to store the message, complete with the attachments Base64 encoded, in the database. So I have to pick each attachment, base64 encode it and then insert the content at the corresponding document in the soap message. So I need to do an insert or replace of a specific element of the body variable based on an index variable.

It turns out that you can perfectly do an assign with an expression like:
to a variable, for instance called document.

I can do an insert of the base64-encoded content into that document variable. But that does not get into the body variable. Since, apparently, document is a copy of and not a reference to the particular node.

So lets do a replace with the xpath-expresin:
in the variable body. But this gives the error:
[PL_MyPipeLine, Request Pipeline, HandleAttachments, Delete action] XPath expression validation failed: An error was reported compiling the XPath expression: XQuery exception: line 34, column 91: {err}XP0008 [{bea-err}XP0008a]: Variable "$contentId" used but not declared for expression: declare namespace stag = 'http://www.darwin-it.nl/CS/StageDoc';
declare namespace jca = 'http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports/jca';
declare namespace wsp = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy';

Same counts for Insert and delete: I thought of inserting a new version of the node in the list and delete the old one, but that would not work either.

I've googled around, and found several occurences of basically the same problem, but no satisfying solution.

At support.oracle.com I found the following bug:
"Bug 17940786 : CANNOT USE INDEX VARIABLE IN THE REPLACE ACTION WITHIN FOR-EACH LOOP" with the following description:

The customer uses 2 for-each loops with index variables ($i, $j).
In the Replace action, in the Xpath expression buider, they want to use
"./entity1[$i]/entity2[$j]". This is not permitted by the editor. The problem
also occurs with only 1 variable like "./entity1[$i]/entity2[1]".

However, for no apparent reason, this "bug" has the status "92 - Closed, Not a Bug". So apparently, Oracle finds it as "functioning as designed". But why can't I modify or delete a particular node indexed by a variable?
Apparently I'm now stuck with building the document list document-by-document and do a replace of the complete document-list...

Wednesday 3 June 2015

SQLDeveloper and Userdefined datatypes in tables

You might have tables that contain columns with a userdefined datatypes. For instance from 11g onwards SOASuite contain Integration B2B, with that datamodel

B2B works with advanced queueing with the queue-table ip_qtab based on the IP_MESSAGE_TYPE Oracle Type wich is defined like:
create or replace type IP_MESSAGE_TYPE as OBJECT (
        MSG_ID                                          VARCHAR2(128),
        INREPLYTO_MSG_ID                                VARCHAR2(128),
 FROM_PARTY                                      VARCHAR2(512),
 TO_PARTY                                        VARCHAR2(512),
        ACTION_NAME                                     VARCHAR2(512),
        DOCTYPE_NAME                                    VARCHAR2(512),
        DOCTYPE_REVISION                                VARCHAR2(512),
        MSG_TYPE                                        INT,
        PAYLOAD                                         CLOB,
        ATTACHMENT                                      BLOB
In the queuetable you then have a payload column based on this type. When you do a select on such a table the payload column has actually several attributes. Tools like Pl/Sql Developer from Allroundautomations or TOAD apparently encounter that the column is based on the Oracle Type, so they actually show the seperate attributes in the grid.

SQLDeveloper (currently 4.3) apparently does not so. But it is quite easy to add this information in your select. For a select on the queuetable (actually with AQ you shouldn't query the queuetable, but the accompanying AQ$<queuetable> view) it will look like:


You see that the trick is to just add the attribute as a seperate identifier to the user_data-column, using the dot-notation.

If you're certain that the selected rows contain a valid XML document in the Payload attribute you could provide that attribute to the xmltype() constructor:

And of course this works for other tables as well. This is just a quick example for a table based on an object type. Unfortunately I don't have some example data in the queue at the moment.