There is no production version for the tool yet (thats scheduled for calendar year 2009), but there are early adopter versions available. The current early adopter version is EA2.
It is possible to import data from a designer environment and in this post I will describe how this works. I must say, the process of importing designer objects is straight forward.
I'll import from an Oracle Designer 10gR2 with versioning disabled. When you want to import from a versioned repository make sure that your objects are checked-in. I installed a new Designer repository, created a new application system with two entities (emp and dept with a relationship) and used the database design transformer to create two tables with a corresponding foreign key.

After that I started OSDM and chose File --> Import --> Oracle Designer model.
First you have to make a database connection:

Select the correct workarea

Select the application system(s) with the workarea

Select the objects you want to import (in this case entities and tables)

and the last step: Generate Design

We are finished. Let's look and the results. In the logical model (Entity Relational Model) I got my two entities and in the Relational Model (data diagram) I got my two tables:

Wow that was easy!
This little demonstration was made with Early Adopter version 1. I tried it with EA2 but in this version I could only import entities...
I have two questions,
1.can we design a database using Oracle designer.
2.can dump files from oracle utility be imported into it and see the schema design.
1. can we design a database using Oracle designer.
Yes it is certainly possible to do that. I work with Oracle Designer for a very long time and the tools supports the complete lifecycle on an application sytem (analysis - design - generate (build) - maintenance
2. can dump files from oracle utility be imported into it and see the schema design
If you mean if .dmp files can be imported into Oracle Designer the answer is no. However you can load dmp files into an Oracle Database and reverse engineer the database objects into Oracle Designer
Thanx Erik...i will try Oracle Designer.
It is possible import data from Oracle Designer 6i Release 4.6, on oracle 8i database ? I get error 4! - can not connect .
I suppose that you can import from Oracle Designer 6i Release 4.6 although that is a relative old version of Oracle Designer 6i.
However I cannot test it (I do not have a Designer 6i repository). The documentation does not mention any version of the Oracle Designer repository.
Maybe you could pose a question on the otn-forum regarding this issue
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