Thursday 12 January 2017

Property expansion under windows.

A little over a year ago I wrote an article about automatic scripted installation of the SOA and BPM QuickStarts. One thing I wanted to improve is to be able to dynamically expand properties in the response file. I already found out how to do that under Linux but most QuickStart installations are done under Windows. So how to 'how to replace properties in textfile in Windows'?

I found this StackOverflow question, and favored the PowerShell option, so I modified that answer to be able to expand the ORACLE_HOME property in the response file.

I modified the response file that I got from the manual installation wizard of the BPM QuickStart as follows:

Response File Version=


#Set this to true if you wish to skip software updates

#My Oracle Support User Name

#My Oracle Support Password

#If the Software updates are already downloaded and available on your local system, then specify the path to the directory where these patches are available and set SPECIFY_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION to true

#Proxy Server Name to connect to My Oracle Support

#Proxy Server Port

#Proxy Server Username

#Proxy Server Password

#The oracle home location. This can be an existing Oracle Home or a new Oracle Home

I saved this as bpmqs1221_silentInstall.rsp.tpl. Then I created a simple command file called expandProperties.bat with the following content:
set ORACLE_HOME=c:\oracle\jdeveloper\12212_bpmqs
set QS_RSP=bpmqs1221_silentInstall.rsp
set QS_RSP_TPL=%QS_RSP%.tpl
powershell -Command "(Get-Content %QS_RSP_TPL%) -replace '\$\{ORACLE_HOME\}', '%ORACLE_HOME%' | Out-File -encoding ASCII %QS_RSP%"

This does the following:
  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable. This is what I also do in the QuickStart install script. The content of this variable should replace the '${ORACLE_HOME}' property in the response file template.
  2. Set QS_RSP to the Response File name
  3. Set QS_RSP_TPL to the Response File Template name
  4.  Call Powershell with a command line command using the '-Command' argument
    1. Read the template file denoted with %QS_RSP_TPL%' using the Get-Content argument.
    2. Replace the occurrences of the string  '${ORACLE_HOME}' with the value of the corresponsing environment variable '%ORACLE_HOME%'. But since the input is considered as a regular expression. Thus the special characters $, { and } need to be prefixed with a backslash.
    3. 'Pipe' the output to the output file denoted with %QS_RSP%. It's important to add -encoding ASCII for the encoding. Otherwise its apparently encoded in UTF in a way the Oracle Installer does not comprehend.
Run this as:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


c:\Data\Zarchief\Stage\FMW\bpm12cR2QS>set ORACLE_HOME=c:\oracle\jdeveloper\12212_bpmqs

c:\Data\Zarchief\Stage\FMW\bpm12cR2QS>set QS_RSP=bpmqs1221_silentInstall.rsp

c:\Data\Zarchief\Stage\FMW\bpm12cR2QS>set QS_RSP_TPL=bpmqs1221_silentInstall.rsp.tpl

c:\Data\Zarchief\Stage\FMW\bpm12cR2QS>rem powershell -Command "(gc bpmqs1221_silentInstall.rsp.tpl) -replace '\$\{ORACLE_HOME\}', 'c:\oracle\jdeveloper\12212_bpmqs' | Out-File -encoding ASCII bpmqs1221_silentInstall.rsp"

c:\Data\Zarchief\Stage\FMW\bpm12cR2QS>powershell -Command "(Get-Content bpmqs1221_silentInstall.rsp.tpl) -replace '\$\{ORACLE_HOME\}', 'c:\oracle\jdeveloper\12212_bpmqs' | Out-File bpmqs1221_silentInstall.rsp"


This creates a new file named bpmqs1221_silentInstall.rsp, where the content of the last line is changed to:

#The oracle home location. This can be an existing Oracle Home or a new Oracle Home

Just what I need...

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