Friday 22 April 2016

Have you seen the menu?

And did you like it? Hardly possible to miss I think. It kept me nicely busy for a few hours. Got some great examples, and this one is purely based on css and unnumbered lists in combination with anchors. Unfortunately the menu worked with non-classed <ul>, <li> and <a> tags. So embedding the css, caused my other elements to be redefined. (It even redefined the padding of all elements).

But with some trial and error I got it working in a subclassed form. And I like it, do you?

I also found that besides articles, you also can create pages in blogger. Did not know about that, completely overlooked that. I think I try something out, so if you're a regular visitor, you might find that there's work in progress.

The wish for a menu popped up a little while ago, and I kept thinking about it, to be able to get some structure in my articles. From the beginning I tagged every article, but not with a real plan. So I got tags stating 'Oracle BPM Suite', but also 'SOA Suite'. And 'Database', but also 'Database 11g'. Not so straightforward and purposeful.

But a purpose arose. For a longer while I'm thinking about if writing a book would be something for me. I like to write articles on a (ir)regular basis. On this blog you can find a broad range of subjects. But could I do a longer series on a particular subject? And could it lead to a more structured and larger form like a book? I learned from a former co-worker that he had this idea to write articles on a regular basis to buildup a book gradually. And I like that. But what subject would it be? My core focus area is SOA Suite and BPM Suite. But loads of books are written about that. Well, maybe not loads, but at least some recognized, good ones. And even PCS (Process Cloud Service) and ICS (Integration Cloud Service) are (being) covered.

But when Oracle acquired Collaxa in 2004, I worked at Oracle Consulting and got to work with it in the very early days. And I think in the Netherlands at least, I was (one of) the first one(s) from Oracle to provide training on BPEL, at least for Oracle University in the Netherlands. So I got involved in BPEL from the first hour Oracle laid hands on it. Could BPEL be a subject I could cover? Of course I'll not be the first one to cover that. Both on BPEL 1.1 as on 2.0 you can google up a book (is that already a term?), the one on 1.1 I still had stacked in a pile behind another one on my bookshelf.

So let's see where this leads me. You can expect a series on BPEL, in parallel of other articles on subjects that come around during my work. From real novice (do you already use scopes and local variables?), up to some more advanced stuff (how about dynamic partnerlinks; are you already into Correlation Sets, transaction handling, BPEL and Spring? )

It might bleed to death. It might become a nice series and nothing more than that. And it might turn out a real informative stack of articles that could be re-edited into a book. But when I'm at it, turning to cover the more advanced subjects, I plan to pol for what you want to have covered. I think I do know something about BPEL. But as you read with me, maybe you could point me out to subjects I don't know yet. Consider yourself invited to read along.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

XA Transactions with SOASuite JMS Adapter

JMS is perfect for setting transaction boundaries and in OSB it is pretty clear on how JMS transactions are handled. However, in SOASuite using the JMS adapter the SOA Infrastructure is handling your JMS transactions by default; and messages are removed from the queue rightaway because the Get's are Auto-acknowledged. If something fails, you would expect that messages are rolled back to the JMS queue and eventually moved to the error queue. But, again by default, not with the SOASuite/JMS Adapter. In that case the BPEL process, for instance, fails and get's in a recovery state, to be handled in the 'Error Hospital'in Enterprise Manager. But I want JMS to handle it! (Says the little boy...)

So how do we accomplish that? Today I got the chance to figure that out.

Start with a JMS setup with a JMS Server, Module and a Queue with an Error Queue that is configured to be the error destination on the first queue. On the first queue set a redelivery limit to 3 and a redelivery delay on for instance 60000 ms (or something like that). I'm not going in to that here.
Create also a Connection Factory in the JMS Module with a proper jndi, something like 'jms/myApplicationCF'.

In the JMS adapter on SOASuite there are several OutboundConnectionFactories already pre-configured. It is quite convenient to use the one with JNDI 'eis/wls/Queue'. But if you look into that, you'll see that it uses the default WebLogic JMS Connection factory 'weblogic.jms.XAConnectionFactory'. Not much wrong with that, but you can't configure that for your own particular situation. But more over it is configured with 'AcknowledgeMode' = 'AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE'. As you can read in the docs there are three values for the AcknowledgeMode:
  • DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE, for consumers that are not concerned about duplicate messages
  • AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, in which the session automatically acknowledges the receipt of a message
  • CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, in which the client acknowledges the message by calling the message's acknowledge method
So create a new outbound connection factory, with a JNDI like 'eis/jms/MyApp'. 
Now, apparently we don't want  'AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE', because that would cause the message-get acknowledged 'On Get'. So you could rollback until 'Saint Juttemis' (as we say in our family) but it won't go back on the queue. Dups aren't ok with me, so I'll choose 'CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE' here. Then there's another option: 'IsTransacted'. I want that one on 'true'. Then in ConnectionFactoryLocation, you'd put the JNDI of your JMS Connection factory, in my example 'jms/myApplicationCF'.

So you'll get something like:

On the tab Transaction, validate that the transaction support is set to a XA Transaction:

Having done that, you can update/redeploy your JMS Adapter with the changed plan. I figure that how to do that is straight forward, especially when you've done that with DB Adapters already.

I created two SOA Projects (actually I adapted those created by a co-worker). The first one is TestPutJMS:

The project is straight forward with a WSDL refering to an xsd with two fields:


The bpel is then as follows:

It assigns the request to the input variable of the invoke of the JMSPut. The JMS_Put is an jms-adapter configuration, referring to the JNDI 'eis/jms/myApp', defined in the JMS Adapter.

After that there's an if on the action field, where in the case of a certain value a fault is thrown, to validate if the Put is rolled back.

In my case it's more interesting to look at the Get part. That project is as follows:

In this case there's a mediator wired to the get adapter config, also referring to the 'eis/jms/myApp' JNDI. The mediator routes to the bpel process. The transaction handling of a mediator is simple and straight-forward:
  • If there's a transaction it will subscribe to that,
  • if there isn't, a new transaction is created.
The JMS Adapter creates an new XA Transaction. On the JMS Adaptor on WLS we configured that no Auto Acknowledge should occur, and we want a transaction. Thus, this is the transaction that is re-used by the Mediator. But how about the BPEL?  The BPEL is asynchronous request only. Since it has no way to reply the response, or it would be on a response queue.
By default you would have a property 'bpel.config.oneWayDeliveryPolicy' set to 'async.persist'. But that would mean that a new thread is started. Setting it on 'sync' would cause the thread that is started by the Adapter is reused. I also want to subscribe to the already running transaction of the JMS Adapter as it is passed through by the mediator. Setting the property 'bpel.config.transaction' to 'required' will take care of that. Summarized, I set the following properties on the bpel:
  • bpel.config.transaction: required => subscribe to already opened transaction
  • bpel.config.oneWayDeliveryPolicy: sync => reuse existing running thread

The process looks like:

Here I have an if with a conditional throw of an exception as well. Based on the value of the action element I can have it to throw a custom exception, that will cause the BPEL to fail and the transaction rolled back.
When I have a redelivery limit to 3, I'll get three retries, so in total 4 tries of the BPEL process. After that, the message is moved to the JMS Error Queue.

A nice article on the JMS Transactions from the A team is found here. However, the setup above leaves the redelivery handling by JMS. So, in 12cR2 that is, I find that the properties of the JMS Queue apparently has preference over the settings I did in the TestJMSGet Service on the composite:

I hope this article clears things up regarding the JMS Adapter configuration for transactions.

Monday 11 April 2016

Extend your SOA Domain with Insight

Lately I wrote about how to install RealTime Integration Business Insight. It's about installing the software, actually. In the quickstart you'll read that you actually have to extend your domain as well.

It actually states that you can install it in your SOA QuickStart  installment as well, but I didn't try that (yet).

However, you need to extend your domain with the following items:
  • Insight SOA Agent 12.2.1 [soa]
  • Insight Service Bus Agent 12.2.1 [osb]
  • Insight 12.2.1 [soa]
To do so, shutdown your domain (if not done so), but (as I found needed) start (or leave it up) your infra database.

Set your FMW environment, as I put in my script:
[oracle@darlin-vce-db bin]$ cat ~/bin/
echo set Fusion MiddleWare 12cR2 environment
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_74
export FMW_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/FMW12210
export WL_HOME=${FMW_HOME}/wlserver
export NODEMGR_HOME=/u01/app/work/domains/soabpm12c_dev/nodemanager

export SOA_HOME=$FMW_HOME/soa
export OSB_HOME=$FMW_HOME/osb
export MFT_HOME=$FMW_HOME/mft
echo call
. $FMW_HOME/wlserver/server/bin/
export PATH=$FMW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin:$WL_HOME/common/bin/:$WL_HOME/server/bin:$PATH[oracle@darlin-vce-db bin]$ 
... and navigate to the $FMW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin folder and start

[oracle@darlin-vce-db ~]$ .
set Fusion MiddleWare 12cR2 environment


Your environment has been set.
[oracle@darlin-vce-db ~]$ cd $FMW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
[oracle@darlin-vce-db bin]$ ls             
[oracle@darlin-vce-db bin]$ ./

In the first screen set the radio button to 'Update an existing domain':

Then Click Next, and check the items listed above:

Click Next, Next, ... Finish.
If you would have checked the 'Deployments' checkbox under the Advanced Configuration, you could have reviewed that the particular deployments are automatically targeted to the BAM, OSB and SOA clusters.

After this you can start your servers and start using insight, for example beginning with the Set up of the Insight Demo Users. This is properly described in the Quickstart Guide. But, as I'm on to it, let me try right a way. The demo users setup is downloadable here. Download it and unzip it in a folder on your server.

First we'll have to set the environment. So I call my neat script first (in a new terminal), and explicitly set the $MW_HOME variable:
[oracle@darlin-vce-db bin]$ .
set Fusion MiddleWare 12cR2 environment


Your environment has been set.
[oracle@darlin-vce-db bin]$ export MW_HOME=$FMW_HOME
[oracle@darlin-vce-db bin]$ echo $MW_HOME
[oracle@darlin-vce-db bin]$ echo $JAVA_HOME
[oracle@darlin-vce-db bin]$ echo $ANT_HOME

We're going to call an ant script that apparently needs the following variables set:
  • MW_HOME= <Middleware home of the environment>
  • JAVA_HOME= <Location of java home>
  • ANT_HOME=$MW_HOME/oracle_common/modules/org.apache.ant_1.9.2
The first one is not set by my script (I called it $FMW_HOME), so I needed to set $MW_HOME to $FMW_HOME, the last three are set by my script.

Running the script with a developer topology domain (everything in the AdminServer or DefaultServer in the SOA QuickStart) will probably go ok. But a stuborn guy as I am tries to do this in a more production like topology with seperate SOA, OSB and BAM clusters. So it turns out that you need to adapt the that is in the bin folder of the (also when you're not like me, you'll need to review it...).
After editing, mine looks like:

#Insight FOD Automation file                 = darlin-vce-db
wls.port                 = 7001
soa_server_port          = 7005
bam_server_port       = 7006
userName                 = weblogic
passWord                 = welcome1
oracle_jdbc_url          = jdbc:oracle:thin:@darlin-vce-db:1521:ORCL
db_soa_user              = DEV_SOAINFRA
oracle_db_password       = DEV_SOAINFRA
db_mds_user              = DEV_MDS
mds.password             = DEV_MDS
jdbc_driver              = oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

When all is right then you can run:
[oracle@darlin-vce-db bin]$ cd /media/sf_Stage/InsightDemoUserCreation/bin/
[oracle@darlin-vce-db bin]$ ant createInsightDemoUsers

Unfortunately I can't show you correct output since, although I seem to have set my properties correctly, I get failures. It turns out that my server (all in one VM) ran so slow, that Insight could not be started due to time outs in getting a database connection....
After restarting BAM all went well, except for the exceptions indicating that the users were already created.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Use external property file in WLST

I frequently create a wlst script, that needs properties. Not so exciting, but how to do that in a convenient way, and how to detect in a clean way that properties aren't set?

You could read a property file like described here. The basics are to use in fact Java to create a properties object and a FileInputStream to read it:
#Script to load properties file.

from import File
from import FileInputStream
from java.util import Properties

#Load properties file in java.util.Properties
def loadPropsFil(propsFil):

 inStream = FileInputStream(propsFil)
 propFil = Properties()
 return propFil

I think the main disadvantage is that it clutters the script-code and you need to call 'myPorpFil.getProperty(key)' to get the property value.

Following the documentation you can use the commandline option '-loadProperties propertyFilename' to explicitly provide a property file. I found this actually quite clean. Every property in the file becomes automatically available as a variable in your script.

Besides that I found a teriffic blog-post on error handling in wlst. It states that with ' except NameError, e:' you can handle the reference to a variable that is not declared earlier.

I combined these two sources to come up with a script template that alows me to provide property files for different target environments as a commandline option, while detecting if properties are provided. So let's assume you create a porpererty file named for instance '' like:
# Properties voor localhost Integrated Weblogic
# @author Martien van den Akker, Darwin-IT Professionals
# @version 1.0, 2016-04-06
# Properties voor localhost
# Generieke properties voor het creeeren van JMS componenten 
#Filestore 01

Then you can use that with the following script, named for instance '':
# Create FileStores and JMS Servers
# @author Martien van den Akker, Darwin-IT Professionals
# @version 1.0, 2016-04-06
# Modify these values as necessary
import sys, traceback
scriptName = ''
def usage():
  print 'Call script as: '
  print 'Windows: wlst.cmd'+scriptName+' -loadProperties'
  print 'Linux:'+scriptName+' -loadProperties'
  print 'Property file should contain the following properties: '
  print "adminUrl='localhost:7101'"
  print "adminUser='weblogic'"
  print "adminPwd='welcome1'"
def main():
    #Connect to administration server
    print '\nConnect to AdminServer via '+adminUrl+' with user '+adminUser
    connect(adminUser, adminPwd, adminUrl)
  except NameError, e:
    print 'Apparently properties not set.'
    print "Please check the property: ", sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]
    apply(traceback.print_exception, sys.exc_info())

#call main()

You can call it like 'wlst -loadProperties'. If you don't provide a property file you'll get:

Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...

Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell

Type help() for help on available commands

Apparently properties not set.
Please check the properties:  exceptions.NameError adminUrl
Call script as:
Windows: -loadProperties
Linux: -loadProperties
Property file should contain the following properties:

Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.


Pretty clean. You could even use the 'except NameError, e:' construct to conditionally execute code when properties are set by ignoring/handling the situation when particular properties are intentionally not provided.

Friday 1 April 2016

Install Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight

Yes, Oracle FMW Integration Insight is available, as I wrote in an earlier post. You can download it here.
But of course we're very curious on how to install it. Do I have to unzip it into my FMW_HOME? Is there a nice Oracle Installer that I can run silently? No, none of that: it comes as a set of OPatch patches on SOASuite 12.2.1:
  1. OPatch containing Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight
  2. OPatch containing updates to SOA and BAM 
  3. OPatch containing updates to Service Bus
Following the README.txt in the zip the correct order is to first install ORIBI and then patch SOA&BPM and then SB.

Earlier I wrote about installing BPM QuickStart under Linux. Based on that I created a script to install SOASuite. Maybe I should write about that in another post. I haven't tried if it's possible to install this in a SOA or BPM Quickstart, but I did it in a full FMW installation, that I built using my scripts. So this installation I scripted following the scripting-work I've done earlier

For this setup I have 2 folders:
  • scripts: with the scripts.
  • ofm_integration_insight_1221: with the downloaded
The scripts folder contains two scripts:
echo set Fusion MiddleWare 12cR2 environment
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_74
export FMW_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/FMW12210
export SOA_HOME=$FMW_HOME/soa
export OSB_HOME=$FMW_HOME/osb
export MFT_HOME=$FMW_HOME/mft

This provides the settings to the FMW_HOME and the JAVA_HOME. And the product homes I needed for my SOABPM Suite installation (I definately should write that down!).

The actual install script is
. $PWD/
export CD=$PWD
export OII_INSTALL_HOME=$CD/../ofm_integration_insight_1221
export #OPatch containing updates to SOA and BAM 
export OPATCH_SOABPM_NR=22655174
export #OPatch containing updates to Service Bus 
export OPATCH_OSB_NR=22659236
export #OPatch containing Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight
export OPATCH_OII_NR=22189824
export PATCHES_HOME=$FMW_HOME/OPatch/patches
# Unzip OII Install zip
if [ ! -f "$OII_INSTALL_HOME/$OPATCH_OII_ZIP" ]; then
  if [ -f "$OII_INSTALL_HOME/$OII_INSTALL_ZIP" ]; then
      echo $OII_INSTALL_HOME/$OII_INSTALL_ZIP does not exist
echo Check zips
md5sum -c patches.MD5
cd $CD
# Check patches folder
if [ ! -d "$PATCHES_HOME" ]; then
  echo $PATCHES_HOME available
#Unzip OII patch 
if [ ! -d "$PATCHES_HOME/$OPATCH_OII_NR" ]; then
  if [ -f "$OII_INSTALL_HOME/$OPATCH_OII_ZIP" ]; then
    echo Apply OII Patch
    $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply
    echo $OII_INSTALL_HOME/$OPATCH_OII_ZIP does not exist!
  echo OII Patch $PATCHES_HOME/$OPATCH_OII_NR already available
cd $CD
#Unzip SOA&BPM patch 
if [ ! -d "$PATCHES_HOME/$OPATCH_SOABPM_NR" ]; then
    echo Apply SOA BPM Patch
    $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply
    echo $OII_INSTALL_HOME/$OPATCH_SOABPM_ZIP does not exist!
  echo SOA-BPM Patch $PATCHES_HOME/$OPATCH_SOABPM_NR already available
cd $CD
#Unzip OSB patch 
if [ ! -d "$PATCHES_HOME/$OPATCH_OSB_NR" ]; then
  if [ -f "$OII_INSTALL_HOME/$OPATCH_OSB_ZIP" ]; then
    echo Apply OSB Patch
    $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply
    echo $OII_INSTALL_HOME/$OPATCH_OSB_ZIP does not exist!
  echo OSB Patch $PATCHES_HOME/$OPATCH_OSB_NR already available
cd $CD
echo Finished installing Oracle Fusion MiddleWare Integration Insight

The script first unzips the downloaded into:
  • patches.MD5
  • README.txt
Then  it performs 'md5sum -c patches.MD5' to checks on the zips, but it ignores the results, just prints them.
Then for each patch it checks if the patch is already unzipped in the FMW_HOME/Opatch/patches folder. If so, it just assumes that its applied as well. If not the patch-zip is unzipped in the patches folder. And then it will perform opatch apply.
Opatch will ask if you want to proceed (answer with 'y') and if the system is ready to be patched (again answer with 'y'). For the SB Patch (the last in the list) it will look like:
Apply OSB Patch
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /u01/app/oracle/FMW12210
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
   from           : /u01/app/oracle/FMW12210/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/FMW12210/cfgtoollogs/opatch/22659236_Apr_01_2016_09_37_29/apply2016-04-01_09-37-22AM_1.log

OPatch detects the Middleware Home as "/u01/app/oracle/FMW12210"

Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
OPatch continues with these patches:   22659236  

Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
All checks passed.

Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
(Oracle Home = '/u01/app/oracle/FMW12210')

Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
Backing up files...
Applying interim patch '22659236' to OH '/u01/app/oracle/FMW12210'

Patching component oracle.osb.server,

Patching component oracle.osb.server,
Patch 22659236 successfully applied.
Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/FMW12210/cfgtoollogs/opatch/22659236_Apr_01_2016_09_37_29/apply2016-04-01_09-37-22AM_1.log

OPatch succeeded.
Finished installing Oracle Fusion MiddleWare Integration Insight

If you have a home with only OSB or only SOA-BPM adapt the script yourself to not patch the not-installed product.

Oh, I did not check on the install, for now I assume it worked.  Next step for me is describe the SOA/BPM install and check-out on the Integration Insight product.