First you need to download the IBM JDBC adapter for DB2, which is open souce. Download the JT400.jar from Place it in a folder on your server. Since it's not an Oracle driver, I don't like to have it placed in the Oracle-Home, so I would put it on a different lib folder, where it is recognisable. Create a logical one, where you place other shared libs as well.
There are several methods to add the lib to your weblogic class path. What worked for me was to add it to the 'setDomainEnv.cmd'/'' file in the domain home.
(The Default Domain of the integrated weblogic of JDeveloper 12.1.3 under Windows can be found in: “c:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system12.\DefaultDomain”)
Search for the keyword ‘POST_CLASSPATH’ and add the following at the end of the list of POST_CLASSPATH-additions:
set POST_CLASSPATH=c:\Oracle\lib\jtopen_8_3\lib\jt400.jar;%POST_CLASSPATH%Where 'c:\Oracle\lib\jtopen_8_3' was the folder where I put it under windows. Then restart your server(s), and create a DataSource. For 'Database Type' as well as for 'Driver' choose 'Other' in the wizard. Then for the following fields enter the corresponding values in the given format (see also the doc.):
Field | Value/Format |
URL | jdbc:as400://hostname/Schema-Name;translate binary=true |
Driver Class | |
Driver Jar | jt400.jaror jt400Native.jar |
Since in our case the database apparently has a time out (don't know it this is default behaviour with DB2-AS400), I put in a one-row-query in the Test Table Name-field. And I checked the , because I don't know the time-out frequency.
A description of configuring the library and connection in JDeveloper and the DBAdapter can be found in section 9.6.2 of this doc.
Having the DataSource in Weblogic setup, you can register it in de Database Adapter. Besides provinding the DataSourceName or XADataSourceName you should adapt the PlatformClassName:

The default is '' (It only now strikes me that it contains 'org.eclipse.persistence' in the package name). Leaving it like this could have you running in the exception:
ConnectionFactory property platformClassName was set to but the database you are connecting to is DB2 UDB for AS/400For DB2 on AS/400, the value should be: 'oracle.tip.adapter.db.toplinkext.DB2AS400Platform', see the docs here.