Tuesday 1 May 2018

Installing haveged from Oracle repositories

In my previous blog, I mentioned the installation of the utility Haveged that is used to increase your entropy on non-gui systems. Since you can download it from the Oracle yum repository, I figured that I could install it from yum too, instead of using rpm. This prevents me from having to download it myself, and ensures I have the one that is applicable to my version of Linux.

Too bad it isn't in the default ol7_latest repo. So you have to either add the yum repo above or enable it.

To add it, you can do:
[vagrant@darlin-vce ~]$ sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL7/developer_EPEL/x86_64

To remove it, you can remove the corresponding file from /etc/yum.repos.d:
[vagrant@darlin-vce ~]$ cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
[vagrant@darlin-vce yum.repos.d]$ ls
[vagrant@darlin-vce yum.repos.d]$ sudo rm yum.oracle.com_repo_OracleLinux_OL7_developer_EPEL_x86_64.repo
[vagrant@darlin-vce yum.repos.d]$ ls

But it appears already registered in the repository list, but disabled:

[vagrant@darlin-vce yum.repos.d]$ sudo yum repolist all
Loaded plugins: langpacks, ulninfo
repo id                                     repo name                                                                                                        status
ol7_MODRHCK/x86_64                          Latest RHCK with fixes from Oracle for Oracle Linux 7Server (x86_64)                                             disabled
ol7_MySQL55/x86_64                          MySQL 5.5 for Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64)                                                                            disabled
ol7_MySQL56/x86_64                          MySQL 5.6 for Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64)                                                                            disabled
ol7_MySQL57/x86_64                          MySQL 5.7 for Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64)                                                                            disabled
ol7_UEKR3/x86_64                            Latest Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 3 for Oracle Linux 7Server (x86_64)                                 disabled
ol7_UEKR3_OFED20/x86_64                     OFED supporting tool packages for Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel on Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64)                       disabled
ol7_UEKR4/x86_64                            Latest Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 4 for Oracle Linux 7Server (x86_64)                                 enabled:    641
ol7_UEKR4_OFED/x86_64                       OFED supporting tool packages for Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 4 on Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64)             disabled
ol7_addons/x86_64                           Oracle Linux 7Server Add ons (x86_64)                                                                            disabled
ol7_ceph/x86_64                             Ceph Storage for Oracle Linux Release 2.0 - Oracle Linux 7.2 or later (x86_64)                                   disabled
ol7_ceph10/x86_64                           Ceph Storage for Oracle Linux Release 1.0 - Oracle Linux 7.1 or later (x86_64)                                   disabled
ol7_developer/x86_64                        Oracle Linux 7Server Development Packages (x86_64)                                                               disabled
ol7_developer_EPEL/x86_64                   Oracle Linux 7Server Development Packages (x86_64)                                                               disabled
ol7_developer_gluster310/x86_64             Oracle Linux 7Server Gluster 3.10 Packages for Development and test (x86_64)                                     disabled
ol7_developer_gluster312/x86_64             Oracle Linux 7Server Gluster 3.12 Packages for Development and test (x86_64)                                     disabled
ol7_developer_nodejs4/x86_64                Oracle Linux 7Server Node.js 4 Packages for Development and test (x86_64)                                        disabled
ol7_developer_nodejs6/x86_64                Oracle Linux 7Server Node.js 6 Packages for Development and test (x86_64)                                        disabled
ol7_developer_nodejs8/x86_64                Oracle Linux 7Server Node.js 8 Packages for Development and test (x86_64)                                        disabled
ol7_developer_php70/x86_64                  Oracle Linux 7Server PHP 7.0 Packages for Development and test (x86_64)                                          disabled
ol7_developer_php71/x86_64                  Oracle Linux 7Server PHP 7.1 Packages for Development and test (x86_64)                                          disabled
ol7_developer_php72/x86_64                  Oracle Linux 7Server PHP 7.2 Packages for Development and test (x86_64)                                          disabled
ol7_latest/x86_64                           Oracle Linux 7Server Latest (x86_64)                                                                             enabled: 26,602

To enable it just:
sudo yum-config-manager --enable ol7_developer_EPEL

As a response it will display the current configuration.
Then install haveged by:
sudo yum -q -y install haveged

To check if haveged is installed, do a yum -list:
[vagrant@darlin-vce ~]$ sudo yum list haveged
Loaded plugins: langpacks, ulninfo
Installed Packages

This is drawn by combining this RHEL Tech-Doc with the repo content of my freshly installed OL7U5 box.

And that solves the note I had left in my previous blog post.

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