Thursday 14 May 2009

Upgrade to OpenSuse 11.1 and install VMWare Server 2.0.1 init

Last weekend I decided to upgrade my OpenSuse. Main reason was that I hoped that with catching up to the latest release I would be able to connect to the new wireless router at work.

But it got me in pretty much trouble. So in the end I reinstalled it instead of upgrading it.

Then I could not get the nvidia drivers to work on my D830 with nvidia quadro nvs 135.
I got it working by:
  1. init 3
  2. start yast2
  3. install nvidia-gfxG02-kmp-default and x11-video-nvideoG02 (delete possbile G01 counterparts, but install the nvidia configuration tool also)
  4. sax2 -4 -m 0=nvidia
  5. init 5

Then you can use sax or the nvidia configuration tool.

I struggled also with installing VMWare 2.0.1. Running was failing with compiling the vsocket module. I solved that with the patch given here (Thanks "snakedriver").
But the console would not pop-up in firefox.
Although I did a reinstall of OpenSuse, I just copied my Firefox profile back from the backup. In that the vmware console plugin resides from my former installation. You would say that it should not matter, since I used the same installation. But by removing it and installing it from my newly installed, local, vmware server I got it working.

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