Tuesday 21 July 2009

Installing Oracle Forms 11

In this post I will describe the process of installing Forms 11g. In this previous post: Download Oracle Forms 11g Software I described where the software could be downloaded.
After extracting the two downloaded files ..disk1_1of2 and ..disk1_2of2 I got 4 (;-)) disk directories (disk1, disk2, disk3 and disk4).

I doubleclicked the setup.exe in the root of the disk1 folder. The following splash screen popped up:

After a while the following screen pops-up:

The interface of the installatation of Oracle Forms (and Reports and Discoverer) has signifantly changed. Step 1 out of 16….

Before proceeding make sure you have installed the web logic server. I installed Jdeveloper 11g before so I already had the weblogic server installed.
The oc4j that I used for running Oracle Forms 10g on my laptop is no longer supported. The same goes for Oracle Jinitiator: No longer supported. Instead off that you have to use the sun java plugin (also owned by Oracle now).

Choose the correct installation type.

Checking prerequisites….

Choose the Oracle Middleware location. This is where I installed the middleware home of Jdeveloper 11g

Choose the correct components. I want to install Oracle Forms and Reports including the correct server components.

And after accepting the defaults in the following steps I finally could choose [Finish] and the installation starts.

After half an hour of installation I reached 100%, but I was not able to push the [Finish] button. What is happening? In the left window I see that after the installation process the configuration process should start. But all I see is Setup Completed. After staring some minutes to the screen I suddenly see that the 100% progress decreases to 97%???>

The installer installs a Oneoff patch which probably was downloaded before from the internet. This is new, in earlier versions you could install Oracle Forms without having a connection to the internet. You had to monitor metalink to see if there any patches and had to install them separately. I am wondering if there is an option in Forms Builder to check for updates, like there is in Jdeveloper!

After installing the OneOff Patch the configuration is started.

After 90 minutes the installation is finished. Let’s see if I can start forms builder. In the start menu it is listed under Oracle Classic instance. (on OTN it is called traditional.....)

And it works.

Unfortunately I see no option check for updates.


Roel said...

The (9) One Off Patches are included in the download (see C:\Oracle\Middleware\as_1\oneoffpatches). So an Internet connection is not required. And indeed the Install & Configuration takes ages...and lots of memory...

kapten teknologi said...

thanks :)