Wednesday 21 April 2010

FireFox 3.6 conflict with VMware Console: VirtualBox

Today I wanted to work with a VMware image to play around with weblogic/soasuite 11g etc. But I ran into the nasty FireFox 3.6 conflict with the VMware Console. Since FireFox 3.6.x the console won't start, because of some time-out error. The solution would be to downgrade to FireFox 3.5. But since I have a repository installed version, I found a downgrade too tedious. Too bad that the console plugin won't install in Google Chrome. I tried Mozilla Seamonkey, but that wouldn't do the trick also.

So I desided to get VirtualBox from the stable again. I neatly installed it using the VirtualBox repository for my OpenSUSE (see the bottom of the page here).

I created a VirtualBox VM based on the VMware files of the VM I wanted to start. See this earlier blogpost for a how-to.

Naively I removed the IDE-controller. But it turns out to be needed to be able to mount the Guest-Additions-ISO file. So don't remove that.

Now I hope that there is blessing on this traject, since I have put in too much time in it already, in my opinion.


Nick said...

Had the same problem here with FF 3.6.x on winxp. You can always start the console outside FF e.g. vmware-vmrc.exe -h -M 64
and that doesn't depend on FF though yes, vmware-vmrc.exe installs as a FF plugin.


Martien van den Akker said...

You're right that could do the trick. But somehow not for me. My desktop shortcuts didn't work either.

kobna said...

I am getting entangled every time I try to open my local host(MAMP) on the MAC side, (even with VWware closed)!

I get a msg saying that:


You don't have permission to access /MAMP/ on this server.
Apache/2.0.63 (Unix) PHP/5.2.11 DAV/2 Server at localhost Port 8888

Does that mean I am haing the same conflict as you guys are having?



Martien van den Akker said...

Hi Kobna,

I don't think so. Seems to me you have a authentication or connection problem.

KOBNA said...

Hi Martin,
what authentication problem you refer to? I checked the permissions and Web Sharing is off, so anything else to check?

Martien van den Akker said...

Hi Kobna,

I don't know. Maybe I overlooked and I was wrong in my first response. Just try to connect with Firefox 3.5.9. You can download that and a seperate or portable installation with that. It should work.

Also if you don't need the remote console, eg. you connect to the vmware-server from the same machine it is running, then you could try VMware Player. You'll love it.