In principle we need one ZooKeeper, although you can have run multiple instances in a HighAvailable version. I have to figure that out, by the way.
But we can have multiple KafkaServers. And that makes sense. You might remember that I'm planning to use Kafka in a Weblogic environment, where you can have multiple Managed Servers (for instance OSB or SOA) that run side-by-side in a cluster possibly on mulitple machines. You probably want to have the Kafka Clients (consumers & producers) connect to the local instance. I would. But, they should work together, exchanging messages, so you can track events that originated on the other instance.
So I implemented a KafkaServerDriver extending the Observable class the same way as the ZooKeeperDriver in my previous article (I in fact copied it). I changed it in a way that it can start multiple instances of KafkaObserver.
So, let me go over the particular metods again.
/** * Run from a ServerConfig. * @param config ServerConfig to use. * @throws IOException */ public void runFromProperties(Properties ksProperties) throws IOException { final String methodName = "runFromProperties"; log.start(methodName);, "Starting server"); KafkaConfig config = KafkaConfig.fromProps(ksProperties); //VerifiableProperties verifiableProps = new VerifiableProperties(ksProperties); SeqThis is essentially the method to start a Kafka Server. It begins with creating a KafkaConfig object, from a plain java.util.Properties object. Again I created an own KafkaServer Properties class that extends the java.util.Properties object. In the ZooKeeper article I explained that I needed a few extra methods to get Int based properties or to default a property based on the value of another propertie. In this case another reason is that I want to be able to differentiate over KafkaServers, each having their own property files. We'll get into that later on.reporters = new ArraySeq (0); // Seq reporters = (Seq ) KafkaMetricsReporter$.MODULE$.startReporters(verifiableProps); KafkaServer kafkaServer = new KafkaServer(config, new SystemTime(), Option.apply("prefix"), reporters); setKafkaServer(kafkaServer); kafkaServer.startup(); log.end(methodName); }
The KafkaServer(s) allow for injecting MetricReporters that can do reporting of ruintme behavior of the particular KafkaServer in a desired way. I did not get that to work in my JDeveloper project, since these are Scala object that JDeveloper got confused by, so to speak. So, in this version I provide an empty Reporters Array.
Then we create a new KafkaServer object. The constructor expects the following parameters.
- config: the KafkaConfig object, created from the properties.
- new SystemTime(): a new org.apache.kafka.common.utils.SystemTime object.
- Option.apply("prefix"): Option is a Scala way of defining a Map (Kafka is build in Scala). The value "prefix" is used to give a name to the Thread the KafkaServer will run in.
- reporters: a list of reporters that can be provided to the KafkaServer, to monitor it.
To get a hold of the instantiated KafkaServer, we set it in our private attribute, and then startup the server.
KafkaServerDriver Properties
We can have multiple KafaServers running in our environment. We could have multiple on the same host, or distributed over multiple hosts. Each of them will have their own property-files, since, especially when running on the same host, they need at least their own and also their own port and data/log folder.To be able to differentiate over the different Kafka Servers and define which one of them should be started up on the particular host, I introduced my own KafkaServerDriverProperties file.
It looks like:
kafkaservers=server0,server1 server0.startupEnabled=true server1.startupEnabled=true
This defines a list of kafkaservers (server0 and server1 in this example) and then for each of those a list of attributes. Of importance are the properties:
- <server-name>.propertyfile: naming a copy of the file that is used for this server. It it's loaded from the classpath, so only the name should be provided.
- <server-name>.startupEnabled: should the server be started on this host (true or false)?
It transforms the comma-separated list into a List object, that enables you to iterate over it. And for each servername on the list it will get the propertyfile and startupEnabled properties and put that, wrapped in a properties object, in a HashMap, identified by servername. The getServerProperties(String serverName) method enables you to fetch those properties for a certain serverName.
Observing the KafkaServer Observable
Having the above in place, the KafkaServerDriver Observable can be implemented with the ZooKeeperDriver as an example. But, since we want to be able to fire up multiple KafkaServers, this is slightly more complicated.Start
The start method within the KafkaServerDriver looks like:/** * Start KafkaServers */ public void start() { final String methodName = "start"; log.start(methodName); for (String kafkaServerName : ksdProperties.getKafkaServerList()) { log.debug(methodName, "Start KafkaServer: " + kafkaServerName); addKafkaServer(kafkaServerName); } //addKafkaServer(); log.end(methodName); }
It loops over the server names from the KafkaServerList from the KafkaServerDriverProperties. For each listed servername it will add a KafkaServer.
This method has some overloaded variants. One parameterless, that loads the default file from the class path and calls the variant that takes in a properties parameter.But let's start with the addKafkaServer(String) variant:
/** * Add a KafkaServer * @param kafkaServerName */ public void addKafkaServer(String kafkaServerName) { final String methodName = "addKafkaServer(String)"; log.start(methodName); try { Properties serverProperties = ksdProperties.getServerProperties(kafkaServerName); if (serverProperties.getBoolValue("startupEnabled")) {, "Start KafkaServer " + kafkaServerName); String serverPropertiesFileName = serverProperties.getStringValue("propertyfile"); log.debug(methodName, "KafkaServer propertyfile: " + serverPropertiesFileName); Properties ksProperties = null; if (serverPropertiesFileName != null) { ksProperties = PropertiesFactory.getKSProperties(serverPropertiesFileName); } else { ksProperties = PropertiesFactory.getKSProperties(); } addKafkaServer(ksProperties); } else {, "KafkaServer " + kafkaServerName + " has startupEnabled == false!"); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error(methodName, "Failed to load properties!", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } log.end(methodName); }
This one takes in the kafkaServerName and gets the approppriate server Properties from the KafkaServerDriverProperties object. It it has the startupEnabled property set to true, then it will fetch the serverProperties file, and load that one. Using that Properties object it will call the addKafkaServer(Properties) variant:
/** * Add a KafkaServer from properties * @param ksProperties */ public void addKafkaServer(Properties ksProperties) { final String methodName = "addKafkaServer"; log.start(methodName); KafkaObserver kafkaServer = new KafkaObserver(this, ksProperties); Thread newKSThread = new Thread(kafkaServer); newKSThread.setName("KafkaServer" + ksProperties.getProperty(PRP_BRKR_ID)); kafkaServer.setKsThread(newKSThread); newKSThread.start(); log.end(methodName); }
What this does is pretty much equal to the addZookeeper() method in the ZooKeeperDriver class. Create a new KafkaObserver providing the KafkaServerDriver object (this) as a reference and the Kafka Server Properties object. And create a new Thread for it. New is (I didn't had that when I wrote the previous article about starting the ZooKeeper) is that I set the name of the Thread. Then I add the new thread tho the KafkaServer.
Construct a KafkaObserver
We saw that in the addKafkaServer a KafkaObserver is instantiated using a reference to the KafkaServerDriver object as an Observable and the KafkaServer Properties object.
The constructor to do so is as follows:
public KafkaObserver(Observable kafkaServerDriver, Properties ksProperties) { super(); final String methodName = "KafkaObserver(Observable, Properties)"; log.start(methodName); this.setKsProperties(ksProperties); if (kafkaServerDriver instanceof KafkaServerDriver) {, "Add observer " + this.getClass().getName() + " to observable " + kafkaServerDriver.getClass().getName()); setKafkaServerDriver((KafkaServerDriver) kafkaServerDriver); kafkaServerDriver.addObserver(this); } log.end(methodName); }
In it we set the properties, and register the KafkaserverDriver and add this new object as an observer to the referenced KafkaserverDriver.
Run the KafkaObserver
Since the KafkaObserver is a Runnable we need to implement the run() method:public void run() { final String methodName = "run"; log.start(methodName); try { runFromProperties(getKsProperties()); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error(methodName, "Run failed!", ioe); } log.end(methodName); }
Shutdown within KafkaObserver the is as easy as:
/** * Shutdown the serving instance */ public void shutdown() { final String methodName = "shutdown"; log.start(methodName);, "Let me shutdown " + getKsThread().getName()); KafkaServer kafkaServer = getKafkaServer(); kafkaServer.shutdown(); log.end(methodName); }
The KafkaServerDriver also has a shutdown() method:
/** * Shutdown all KafkaServers */ public void shutdown() { final String methodName = "shutdown"; log.start(methodName); setShutdownKafkaServers(true);, "Notify Observers to shutdown!"); this.setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(); log.end(methodName); }
It sets the shutdownKafkaServers indicator, as well as the changed indicator. Then it notifies the Observers. This will result in a signal to the update() method of all registered KafkaObservers:
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { final String methodName = "update(Observable,Object)"; log.start(methodName); Thread ksThread = getKsThread();, ksThread.getName() + " - Got status update from Observable!"); KafkaServerDriver ksDriver = getKafkaServerDriver(); if (ksDriver.isShutdownKafkaServers()) {, ksThread.getName() + " - Apparently I´ve got to shutdown myself!"); shutdown(); } else {, ksThread.getName() + " - Don't know what to do with this status update!"); } log.end(methodName); }
It checks if the registered KafkaServerDriver has the shutdownKafkaServers indicator set. If so (and it obvious will), it will call the shutdown() method, mentioned earlier.
Start & Shutdown
As with the ZooKeeperDriver you need to store the KafkaServerDriver object in a static variable, and call the respective start and shutdown methods. Using the mentioned KafkaServerDriverProperties file in the class path, the particular instance will know which KafkaServers need to be started. Make sure that for each kafkaserver you have a copy of the file as found in the Kafka distribution (for instance Confluent). Each copy need to have a unique and references to the data/log folders. And possibly a unique listen-port.Libraries and Classpath

If you take a look at the scripts, you'll find that it would just add all the libraries in the particular folder. I like to know what particular jar's I really need to get things compiled. The following jar files in the Confluent distribution are found to be needed for both having the project compiled as well as being able to run:
- confluent/share/java/kafka/kafka.jar
- confluent/share/java/kafka/kafka-clients-2.0.0-cp1.jar
- confluent/share/java/kafka/log4j-1.2.17.jar
- confluent/share/java/kafka/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.25.jar
- confluent/share/java/kafka/slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar
- confluent/share/java/kafka/kafka-log4j-appender-2.0.0-cp1.jar
- confluent/share/java/kafka/zookeeper-3.4.13.jar
- confluent/share/java/kafka/scala-library-2.11.12.jar
- confluent/share/java/confluent-common/common-metrics-5.0.0.jar
- confluent/share/java/kafka/scala-logging_2.11-3.9.0.jar
- confluent/share/java/kafka/metrics-core-2.2.0.jar
- confluent/share/java/kafka/jackson-core-2.9.6.jar
- confluent/share/java/kafka/jackson-databind-2.9.6.jar
- confluent/share/java/kafka/jackson-annotations-2.9.6.jar
Added to that I have the following folders added in my project's library listing:
- confluent/etc/kafka/
- KafkaClient/config
Well, that's about it for now. Next stop: create a Weblogic domain and try to add the startup and shutdown classes to it and see if I can have ZooKeeper and KafaServers booted with Weblogic.And of course the proof of the pudding: produce and consume messages.
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