Tuesday 27 August 2019

SOASuite Composite Sensors: the why and how...


Long time ago BPEL PM was acquired by Oracle, and as part of the first release of SOA Suite (10g), it was a more or less standalone component. For initiated BPEL flow instances in the soa infrastructure database there were 2 tables:
  1. cube_instance: bpel flow instances
  2. ci_indexes: 6 indexes related to the bpel flow that can be set with an embedded java call

These 2 tables store the BPEL instances, along with a set of indexes that you could, and in 11g and 12c still can, set with a value that you determine during the flow. Yes, these tables still exist in the soa infra database. So, let's say in your BPEL you have several string based variables that you fill with a value from the input message using an assing. Then within an Embedded Java activity, you can do something like:

//Get Variables 
String messageType = (String) getVariableData("messageType"); 
String messageId = (String) getVariableData("messageId"); 
String processId = (String) getVariableData("processId"); 
String referenceNr = (String) getVariableData("referenceNr"); 
String branchId = (String) getVariableData("branchId"); 
String cmrNr = (String) getVariableData("cmrNr"); 

//Set Title and indexes 
setFlowInstanceTitle("MyProcessFlow " + messageType + '-" + messageId); 

When you spin of a set of new instances, you can use the following query to find the particular instances:
select ci.flow_id, ci.cmpst_id cube_composite_id, ci.cikey cube_cikey, cix.index_1, cix.index_2, cix.index_3, cix.index_4, cix.index_5, cix.index_6 
from cube_instance ci
join ci_indexes cix on ci.cikey = cix.cikey
where index_1 like '123456789';

With the flow_id you can query the SCA flow instance (in 12c) and/or find the instance in EM.
select * from sca_flow_instance fi where fi.flow_id=100173;

Unfortunately, not even in 10g you can query on the indexes in EM directly. You need to query on them in the database and copy and paste the resulting flow-id in EM - FMW Control.
You might have done this in the past, or still do. You might have created a JSP that helps you with this. We did in 10g at least.

Define Composite Sensors

Since 11g, there is a much more convenient way to do. And it's all declarative and usable from EM. It's called Composite Sensors. You can read more about it in the docs
I haven't blogged about it earlier, because, ...., honestly I haven't used them much until lately.

Composite Sensors can be set in the composite editor:

This will get you to the following dialog:

Select one of the Services or References and click on the blue plus icon:
In this dialog, set a Name, check/validate the Service and Operation, and click on the pencil icon to define an Expression:

  • Variables: clicking this will provide you a navigator that will allow you to drilldown the variable structure of the service operation message type, to select the element to sense the value.
  • Expression: this will show you the expression builder you should be familiar with: it's the same as the one in the assign activity copy rules in bpel. It allows you to create more complex xpath statements like: substring($in.payload/doc:RegisterDocument/doc:Document/doc:BinairyObject/@fileName,0, 100)
  • Properties: allows you to select endpoint properties, for instance JCA properies as JMS Type, JMS CorrelationID. The same as the properties on a BPEL Invoke.
Make sure you have the Enterprise Manager checkbox checked. It should be on by default.

A good source for creating the Composite sensors is the Embedded Java that sets the indexes of the BPEL, as described in the intro of this article. Create a sensor for every index, and base it on the Service Operation on which the variable is based from which the setting of the indexes are based.

I would highly recommend to create an Excel sheet to register which Sensors are defined on which Service/Operation and how they are filled. For instance, you could have several services that work with documents. And on all those composites you might have sensors that fetch the DocumentID. One of your developers would define a sensor called docId, another uses documentId, again another would define docNumber, etc., etc.  An end user or administrator would need and know all those variants. Wouldn't it be much easier that you could just search on documentId  over all those composites? Thus, introduce a method in your team that everyone uses the same sensor name for elements that mean the same.

Search on CompositeSensor values

On the Soa Infra dashboard in Enterprise Manager - Fusion MiddleWare Control (em) you can quickly search on a Sensor:
Fill in a Sensor Name and a search value and click on the Search Instances button.
These are free format fields, so it make sense to have a list of possible sensors that can be distributed along your admins or end users.

In the Search Instance panel of the flow instances tab, you have a more comprehensive search possibility:

This is not available when you click directly on the Flow Instances tab, without performing a search first.
In that case you need to click on Add/Remove Filters on the Flow Instances tab:

In this dialog, check the Flow Instance checkbox:
Having done that, you can add up to 6 sensor search conditions. Click on the magnifier glass to search on a sensor:

Here you can search on a composite on which you know there is sensor. Then you can select a sensor and an operator to search on. Unfortunately this is the only place to choose an operator, which means that you need to search for a sensor through a Composite Revision, before being able to choose an operator. Would be nice being able to just type in a sensor name (or copy and paste it from your excel sheet), select an operator and type a value to search over composites.

What is nice is that if you select a particular flow instance, you can view its composite sensor values:

This is especially handy, when in a busy environment where there are several instances of the same composite within a certain timeframe. Then you can quite easily click through the instances and identify if the particular one is the one you're interesting in. In stead of the need to open the flow trace, click to the bpel flow, select the receive activity and open the XML. In many cases this can be a very tedious job.

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