Wednesday 16 September 2015

SoapUI: change the location of your user home

At my current customer I use a company supplied laptop. In the office, when I logon I get connected to a Home Folder on a network drive. SoapUI stores it's default workspace in the root of that folder, based on Windows settings.

At home I connect using VPN and somehow this Home Folder is unreachable. Very inconvenient, because with every restart I need to open/import my projects again.

As with the increase of the heap settings like I showed a few days ago, also for the location of the user-home, there is a property, that can be set as a Java -D argument.

So you can add that to the "SoapUI-5.1.3.vmoptions", just add the Duser.home property as follows:
-Dsoapui.home=C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.1.3/bin
-Dsoapui.ext.libraries=C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.1.3/bin/ext
-Dsoapui.ext.listeners=C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.1.3/bin/listeners
-Dsoapui.ext.actions=C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.1.3/bin/actions
-Dwsi.dir=C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.1.3/wsi-test-tools
-Djava.library.path=C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.1.3/bin
As easy as that.

The folder needs to exist of course. You can also add it to the JAVA_OPTS variable in soapui.bat/.sh:
rem JVM parameters, modify as appropriate
set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms128m -Xmx1024m "-Dsoapui.home=%SOAPUI_HOME%\" -splash:soapui-splash.png -Duser.home=c:\dev\SoapUI

On a restart and a subsequent close of SoapUI you'll notice that it writes the workspace in the denoted folder.

By the way, I found this tip here.

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